How to discover and secure AI adoption with Nudge Security

Learn how our AI dashboard helps you to visualize and manage AI adoption at your organization.

At Nudge Security, we’ve seen an explosion in the adoption of AI SaaS applications across our customer base over the last year. In July 2023, we analyzed risk data on the 75 AI applications we had discovered in our customers’ environments. 


As of August 2024, that number has swelled to 770, demonstrating that there are no signs of AI adoption slowing. What’s more, new AI tools are regularly showing up on our Top 10 list, knocking others further down the list.  


Percent of organizations that have adopted popular Al SaaS tools, based on product data from Nudge Security, August 2024. ***New additions.


Given this unrelenting trend, security and IT teams need visibility and context of what AI applications their workforce is using as well as the right toolset to establish technology governance over their employees’ AI toolset. 


How Nudge Security can help

In the past, we’ve written about how Nudge Security can help your organization embrace AI securely and at scale. We’ve also introduced a new playbook to help you onboard AI tools safely by delivering your organization’s acceptable usage policy to employees signing up for new AI tools. 


Our AI dashboard helps you visualize and understand AI usage within your own organization, including what apps are gaining traction and which employees and business units are using AI the most. We’ve even surfaced supply chain data to help you understand which of your SaaS providers are leveraging AI in their software supply chains. 


With our AI dashboard, you can:

  • See what AI tools are in use and who has access to them.
  • Visualize adoption trends over time.
  • Identify which apps are popular across different business units.
  • See which employees are most likely to experiment with new AI tools.
  • Monitor AI technologies in your SaaS and software supply chain. 


Take a look at the interactive demo below, or read on to find out how Nudge Security helps you manage and secure AI tools at your organization. 



1. Understand which AI tools are in use and who has access to them.

With our dashboard, you can quickly see how many AI apps are in use across your organization, who is using them, and what percentage of your employees have created AI accounts. 


Using the quick links at the top of the dashboard, you can drill into a list of all the applications in use at your organization, or see a list of the users who have created accounts for AI tools. 



2. Visualize AI app adoption over time.

Nudge Security’s AI dashboard includes a graph that shows your employees’ AI adoption over different time periods, so you can understand trends over time. Underneath, you can see a list of which AI apps have been introduced to your organization most recently and which are gaining traction. 



3. Easily investigate new AI tools. 

When a new AI tool is introduced to your organization, you may want to review it to understand whether or not it aligns with your organization’s security and compliance requirements. For example, is the vendor responsible for creating the tool legitimate? Are the OAuth scopes your user has granted reasonable or are they overly-permissive for your organization? 


Within Nudge Security’s AI dashboard, you can click on any app in the list of recently-added tools and see an overview that will help you accelerate your investigations. From there, you can check out everything from a description of the tool to an overview of the vendor’s security program. Depending on what you discover, you can send a nudge to users of the app asking them to take an action like switching to an alternative option or enabling MFA. 



4. Find out how different business units are using AI tools.

Nudge Security’s AI dashboard also shows you how AI usage breaks down by organizational unit, which can help you understand how different teams are using AI. For example, you can get a sense of whether your marketing team may be using generative AI to write social copy or your developers are running automated code checks powered by AI. Depending on what you see, you may want to account for those use cases within your organization's AI planning. 



5. Understand AI adoption within your supply chain. 

In addition to the AI tools your employees are using, we've also surfaced apps that are using AI functionality within their own solutions. For example, if your organization uses a support ticketing tool to help with customer issues, that product may leverage OpenAI to produce AI-driven chatbot responses. 



6. Leverage Nudge Security to onboard new AI tools safely. 

Based on what you discover in the AI dashboard, you may want to explore Nudge Security’s playbook for onboarding AI tools safely. The playbook helps you share your organization’s acceptable usage policy with employees who are using AI. Using the rules you set up, you can make sure that any employee who signs up for a new AI account receives guidance on safe AI usage exactly when they’re most likely to absorb it. 



Interested in learning more about how Nudge Security can help with AI governance? 

Check out our on-demand webinar, Embrace AI securely: How to mitigate AI usage risks with Nudge Security.

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